Hello! Welcome to the Up-Level at Midlife aka Yes, there’s more to life! Blog.

Have you arrived in life, but find yourself asking if this is it? Wondering if this vague sense of meh is really how you’re going to feel for the rest of your life (and for some of you, you’ve got more than half of your life to go)? Are you a successful career woman – successful by society’s definition (good career, financially doing well, etc.) – but somewhere deep in your gut you know there has got to me more than the daily grind? Do you sometimes feel guilty for feeling this way, or for asking if there could be more for you because compared to some, you’ve got it pretty darn good?

Well if that’s you, you’ve come to the right place.  A place where I will tell you – Yes, there is more! I’m going to show you how to up-level in many areas of your life. I’ll help you see it’s possible to experience more joy and happiness in your day-to-day, and discover more growth and fulfillment opportunities.

My name is Valita Speranzi and I’m a Certified Life Coach. My desire to find more started long before I finally decided to do something about it (and I know that’s true of many of my clients as well). I have a successful career as a Vice President and Director at a Community Financial Institution. I’m married and have two amazing, independent adult daughters. Yet every day I’d hear this little voice asking “Is this it? Really?” Immediately followed by guilt and thinking I should be grateful for what I’ve accomplished and all the amazing things in my life. The truth is I was and am grateful for that, but in my gut I
also knew – “There’s got to be more!”

I help you discover what “more” means to you, and I’m going to give you 3 helpful points right now to get you started.


First of all, listen to that voice wondering if life has more to offer! Start to ask yourself what’s behind this question: “Is there more?” Or that voice telling you: “There has to be more than this.” Or whatever version of this comes up for you. It’s so easy to brush it off or ignore it thinking that it shouldn’t be there. But what if it’s you trying to take you on an amazing adventure? Is there a specific area in your life where this comes up more often than in other areas? Or do you simply want to have more joy in your day-to-day?


There is a reason you are here. Right here, right now, reading this. There is reason your spirit or soul or your essence keeps bringing this up in your brain. If you keep pushing it away, it will leak into all areas of your life and cause restlessness, frustration,  resentment and misery. That doesn’t feel good, so Eventually you’ll try to do anything to get rid of those feelings (including things like over-drinking, spending way more time on social media that you want to, watching way more TV than you care to, committing to things you don’t really care about, just to name a few). Trust me, that’s what I did. It doesn’t satisfy.


So you have a pretty good life that you are probably grateful for. You shouldn’t feel the desire for something more, right? Shame on you, a little voice might say. But wait! Who says you can’t feel appreciative for what you’ve accomplished or have in life, and still want more out of it? Don’t listen to the feelings of guilt that cause you to push away the desire for more. Wanting more out of your life, and being grateful for what you currently have, are not mutually exclusive. It’s ok to feel both, but you don’t want to miss out on what’s possible for you.

I want to challenge you to set aside some time every day over the next 7 days to explore what is behind your desire for more in your life. Are you up for it? It doesn’t have to be hours, it can literally be 5- 10 minutes. Get yourself to a quiet place with paper and something to write with. Don’t filter or edit. Listen to what comes up for you, write it down, and mull it over. Maybe more for you is more free time – less activities.

I hope this blog is getting you excited. Sign up below to receive an email for my next blog where I will teach you some insights into what I’ve learned working with clients like you. If you want to get started working with me right away, sign up for a coaching session with me where I can work with you one-on-one.  

Please leave a comment below to let me know what you think. And schedule a free mini-session with me. I can’t wait to talk with you soon!