This is the final part of this 3-part series for up-leveling your goal setting. This is where you summarize the goals you’ve created onto one page. Optionally you can start with this summary and then get specific about your goals (see part 2 of this series). How does this up-level your goal setting?

This up-levels for 2 main reasons. One is because most of you have multiple things you’re working toward at the same time, even if you aren’t consciously working toward them or don’t have them written down (though you may not be moving in the direction you truly desire). Getting your goals out of your head and into tangible form on paper is powerful. Putting them into a summary gives you a quick visual reminder and keeps these intentional goals top of mind.

I recommend you post this summary somewhere where you will see it daily. This will help to remind you to track your specific goals at whatever interval you’ve decided on. This summary acts like a table of contents for your goals and at a quick glance reminds you to take action on them.

Two is because it gives you another view into how you’re managing your life. I mentioned in part 1 of this series about aligning your goals to your values (such as love, adventure, growth) and thinking about them in terms of categories (such as financial, health, spiritual). On this sheet, you’ll want to group your goals by these values or categories. I’ll show you an example at the end of this blog.

This will allow you to see all of your goals and play a bit. Ask yourself, do my values still make sense? Do my goals align with my values? Where am I growing and where might I want more growth? Am I taking on too much? Am I taking it too easy? It’s a powerful way to help you evaluate your life and work toward a life intentionally and consciously of your making.

If you have a theme for the year, add this to the top of your goal summary and add a comment about why this is important (again see Part 1 of this series for a reminder on themes).

The other thing I add to this sheet is a section for “What’s happening this year?” where I list the big events or dates I know I want to plan for or be organizing my other goals around.

In the example below I put exactly that, examples. However in the Health section, I did put some of my actual “maintenance goals” (from part 1 of this series) so you can see the difference. As a reminder, maintenance goals are goals you may already be doing, but you want to decide on purpose if they still make sense.

One final note – you are the creator of your life and your goals. In order to up-level, I encourage you to make mistakes, learn from them, even celebrate them as much as your wins, and have fun!

Like always, I would love to coach you and discover what’s next for you. Schedule time on my site to coach with me, and if you’d like to get periodic emails when I post a blog along with special updates from me, sign up below!