Why do we feel unfulfilled, restless, the need and deep longing, for more anyway? The longing that there MUST be more?

Part of the reason is because so many of us have been following “societies”, or other peoples’ rules that were never really ours to begin with. Get a job, have a family with 2.5 kids, stay home with the kids, buy a car, the list goes on!

I even see this in our churches. This spiritual longing that many believe is innate is rarely really satisfied at a church because a church is made up of the same people with the similar rules of society (though perhaps specific to the religion) that focus on the same things as secular groups. Now stay with me on this because I know that by me saying this it can trigger some strong feelings. I am in no way saying you shouldn’t go to church or that you shouldn’t have the spiritual or religious beliefs you have. But for most people I’ve encountered, after a time, they still long for more.

One of the things that comes up over and over for my clients is a feeling of guilt or even unworthiness because they mostly have a good life – financial success, education, decent relationships and home life, and yet there’s a voice in their head creating a questioning. A dissatisfaction.

But as humans, I don’t believe we are meant to be satisfied – or at least not for very long. Even people I know who seem to be content in life, very often numb to become unconscious to parts they don’t like. Have you experienced this at any time in your life?

For some, you’re perfectly happy in your career and could do the same thing for the rest of your life, but perhaps have a longing for deeper relationships. For others, you may have a great career according to someone else’s idea of it, but all you’ve ever really wanted was to camp your way across the US and tell everyone who will listen all about your experiences. You think it’s ok to just ignore these desires, but what happens is they don’t go away. When you try to become unconscious to them, the frustration from these unanswered desires seep into all other areas of your life until it becomes a confused mess about why you’re longing for more.

So if you accept that it’s normal to desire more, and that this will likely be the case at various times all throughout your life, you’ll find a lot of relief from any guilt or feeling that something has gone wrong. Instead of thinking it shouldn’t be there and numbing it away, I will show you what’s possible and help you achieve a life you love.

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