Some of you may be a little freaked out by the idea of listening to the voice in your head, because once you’ve paid attention to what’s going on up there, you don’t like it! It can often be quite shocking how negative our minds can be, and it conjures up all kinds of uncomfortable feelings. If that’s you, just know your brain is working exactly as designed and it’s perfectly normal!

You may think it means you’ve got to make a huge, life-altering change in order to find out there really is more. On the flip side, some of you may already know you want to make a huge change and that’s great. I want to help you do that. For others, you’re comfortable where you are, but you’re also ready for something more just not necessarily and new spouse, career, religion, and life. I’m here to reassure you that you can capture more from life, big and small without having to change the situation you’re in. What really matters is what’s going on in your mind.

Did you take me up on my challenge to spend 5-10 minutes for 5 days, listening to what is going on in that mind of yours and write it down? There is power in doing this because most of us are on auto-pilot and it takes practice to even become aware of what’s going on in our minds. Were you able to tap into any insights? If so, I’d love to hear about them in the comments below. Often you’ll find that you’re repeating the same thoughts over and over

If you didn’t do this exercise, I’d also like to hear from you! Why not? What got in the way?

For this week, I want to challenge you to continue this exercise, but for each of the thoughts you have (pick the top 3 or so), answer these questions:

  • Where did this thought come from?

Ask yourself: Did I hear this as a kid? From a religious leader? On TV? At work? Is it something I would have picked on purpose to think?

  • Is this thought currently serving me in my life?

Perhaps you realize you’re thinking a thought that you learned from school, and it was great then, but you’ve carried it over into adulthood and it doesn’t serve. For example, don’t interrupt the teacher in class now translates to don’t speak up in work meetings with your boss.

  • Is it one I want to keep thinking?

Do you like that you don’t speak up in meetings, or would you rather replace that with something that helps you feel confident to do so. Such as, as an adult I have experience and ideas that are relevant and need to be heard.

Continue to spend 5-10 minutes for 5 days on this. If you miss a day, don’t worry. Just pick up where you left off. It can be helpful to set aside the same time each day if you have a set, daily routine. If your day doesn’t have a lot of consistency, then I recommend you plug this in before or after something you do every day, like brushing your teeth. Trust me, it will be worth the time you invest.

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