Hello, and to those of you who are reading this when it comes out, Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I want to talk about beliefs. I’ll explain what I mean when I say beliefs, and why it’s important to know what yours are.

In previous blogs I’ve explained that beliefs are deeply engrained thoughts and ideas that you’ve been thinking for so long that you don’t even recognize them as optional – you accept them as truth. But the real truth is beliefs are still just thoughts or ideas in your mind. You simply believe them to the point that they seem like facts to you, or like this is just how things are. But now you know that you can question all the thoughts that run in your brain, even when they’re automatic and even when they feel like the truth, and decide on purpose if you still want to keep thinking them or not.

Identifying your beliefs can be easier said than done, because most people aren’t really aware of their thoughts, let alone thoughts that they think are truths or just the way things are. It can be difficult to become aware of those beliefs you have been thinking for so long you don’t even question. This is part of why coaching is so valuable because I can help you see your mind more clearly.

For now I want you to understand why it’s so important to be aware and question what you believe. The reason is because for many of you, your beliefs are blocking your own ability to live the life you’ve dreamed, and certainly your ability to up-level. Your beliefs impact every area of your life, from your day-to-day minutiae to your bigger goals and outcomes.

Beliefs can relate to big themes in your life, such as:

  • I am not creative
  • Money is hard for me to get (or keep)
  • Husbands (or wives) should (fill in the blank)
  • Technology is hard
  • I’m socially awkward
  • I have a hard time making friends
  • People should be nice
  • It’s selfish to put my needs first aka Self-care is selfish

Beliefs can also be specific. Such as, “I’ll never get that job I applied for.”

I’m obviously focusing on “negative” beliefs, but these beliefs are road-blocks to up-leveling your life. Now in some cases your beliefs, even when holding you back, serve you, or have served you in the past. After all, if you’re just not creative, you really don’t have to try to be, do you?

Of course some beliefs serve us well in a way that is positive in our lives. One that comes to mind is “I can do hard things.” But for the beliefs you have that ultimately are getting in the way of living a life up-leveled, you get to decide if you want to keep them or not.

So what beliefs might you be holding onto, that are holding you back? Yep you guessed, I want you to make a list of the beliefs – even the little ones – that are keeping you from creating the life you really want. Grab a pen and paper and really do this exercise. Here’s a question to help get you started:

Where do I see myself and my life in the next 5 years, 10, 20?

Spend 5-10 minutes simply answering this question – no editing, no judging. Then look back at what you wrote. Where is there a sentence that to you seems like truth or fact, but if someone else were to read it, they wouldn’t think it as fact at all? Question it. Where did this come from? How has it perhaps served you? Is it still serving you or do you want to believe something different?

This second half can be so amazing if we want it to be and I will help you get there! Sign up for mini-session today! What are you waiting for besides the rest of your life?! And don’t forget, if you’d like to get an email when I post a new blog, sign up below.

I hope you have the chance to spend time with your loved ones, and that you are truly blessed today.